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Why Korea including other Asian countries still hate Japan? 본문

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Why Korea including other Asian countries still hate Japan?

Silver Librarian 2017. 2. 11. 17:42

Well, there is STILL obvious reason, very very obvious fact are always born by the speech of Japanese government.

You can exactly search all the information (such as comfort women, Liancourt Rock) including the relevant statement and news as well but I cannot guarantee whether that news is still available in Japan (because Fukushima news including some of previous news are often disappeared for some reason).

Now, if you are a Japanese. Let me tell you very briefly the reason why (at least) Korean hate Japanese even more than their present enemy, North Korea?

Here is the fact. "Once the Government of Japan(GOJ) made some sort of statement to apologise their fault during the WWII, GOJ ALWAYS REVERSE WHAT THEY STATED in the recent speech."

Let me give you an example so you might be able to feel it more closely.

"Most Japanese people may already know the incident that North Korea kidnapped the Japanese people, and some of them (what I knew is) still cannot back to their home."

Imagine if North Korea is collapsed, and S. Korea united itself. Then they might be able to make this statement.

"Our government know the unforgettable incident that was attempted by North Korean government in the past...(etc)."

Then after few days, "The previous speech was not held for the people who got involved in that incident (means victim)."

Of course, these above sentences (in this box) are fake.

But now you should notice where the Korean's (including China and other Asian countries) wrath is coming from...

That's it for this time. If you have an interest in this topic, you may feel free to leave the comment on my twitter account. I may post another story if I have extra time.
