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Copycat may be a step for growth, but stability isn't. 본문

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Copycat may be a step for growth, but stability isn't.

Silver Librarian 2016. 12. 26. 19:25

FreeImages.com/Me Dunno

Imagine if there is 'Country J' where has developed their unique culture and using them to attract the foreign tourist with revenue. Simultaneously, 'Country C' has more developers to make something, then they decided to use Country J's cultural background story and copying the whole game structure (UI, pattern) from another game.

The point is, Country C developer team established its opportunity to make a profit unless they are penalised or ordered to change or delete their non-original game.

How do you think about being copycat? One thing is sure; such behaviour will not allow Country C to have a stabilised economy, as they always seek for additional ideas from the outside of their land.

Either way, copying someone else's idea means one person will lose his fairness. This may potentially collapse the balance of purchasing goods such as online software those are still somehow available to use it for free, if a user have a cracking file to disable the developer's genuine checker.

In the end, leaving the copycat will prevent the country C to maintain their growth. As some of you notice; no penalty for banned action would lead the people to accept its environment as normal thing.
